Why do curious souls with tired minds heed more towards spiritual tourism? Is it for clarity, for peace or some kind of a connection with a higher power or the higher self? In this article, we are going to explore spiritual tourism in Maharashtra. So,let’s dive into it through the Pandharpur Waari pilgrimage that attracts over 18 lakh people every year.
The Pilgrimage of Pandharpur Waari

There are many kinds of spiritual tourism in India; plant-based, yogic, meditative and devotional. Moreover, every year, approximately 20 lakh people from all walks of life, socio-economic backgrounds and religions congregate at the small town of Pandharpur. During the Hindu month of Aashaad, Pandharpur is flooded with celebrations of a long-awaiting union with Panduranga (aka Vitthal, Vithoba & Mauli).
Significance of Pandharpur. What is it?
The significance of Pandharpur comes from three things. The Story, The Devotees and the Walk.
The Story
Once upon a time, there was a legendary sage named Pundalik who brought the idol of Vitthal to Pandharpur. He impressed the deity so much that Vitthal himself gave Pundalik a visit. But at the time of the visit, Pundalik was busy serving his parents and just told God to wait. Imagine that! So, Vitthal just stood on a brick waiting for his favourite devotee to tend to him.
How long did he wait? Oh, over 28 yugas i.e. 43,20,000 years!

The Devotees
Apart from sage Pundalik, there were two other devotees of Mauli who made this pilgrimage the experience it is today. They were Sant Tukaram (writer of numerous devotional poems or ‘abhang’ that praise Mauli) & Sant Dyaneshwar (author of Dyaneshwari, the Marathi commentary on the Bhagavad Gita).
Every year the varkari community take sandals of these two legendary saints in lavishly decorated palanquins and walk for 21 days to the Vitthala temple in Maharashtra. In effect, they do so to unite them with Vitthala, no longer made to wait to meet his most devoted devotees.

The Walk
This is the part that holds the highest significance of Pandharpur Waari and the part where the magic happens. Now you know about the story and about the ones who kept it alive for over 8 centuries. Consequently, you are in the position to appreciate the power behind it all.
This walk is not just an escape from reality for lakhs of people. It is something that keeps them focused and connected to a power bigger than them. People spend 21 days on the road withering bad weather with no luxuries like hotels or rich food. This walk to the Vitthala temple in Maharashtra reaffirms the faith of countless people. It confirms that they are contributing to a story that started thousands of years ago. That they are dutifully playing their part in the grand scheme of things.
This is not a walk of blind faith, but the Pandharpur Waari is a walk of love and devotion.
Why is it spiritually pleasing?
We live in a world where we can easily disconnect from life and form our own little worlds. In our cell phones, laptops, meetings and briefings we are easily engrossed. Moreover, we just forget that our spirit does not need monetary satisfaction or validation. Our spirit just wants to live, to see sunsets, watch a leaf falling from a tree, laugh and be happy.

The Experience of Pandharpur Waari
Going to the Pandharpur Waari can make us see that there is more to living life. You won’t see a single laptop in this 21-days walk, no businessmen making deals or any celebrity endorsements. However, you will definitely see connections being formed. Additionally, you experience a feeling of unity, of togetherness, of peace and celebration, of intention and of a higher form of Love.
People from the varkaari community play games, musical instruments, dance, laugh and just remain merry for the sake of it. They have nowhere to be, no deadlines to complete, no bosses to impress. In essence, they are just living and it shows in their eyes. You just have to look in the eyes to know what I am talking about is true. This pilgrimage is not just about God, the Padukas, the Palanquins, the varkari community and their temple. It’s about Life and the meaning we attach to it.
Why should every person attend the Pandharpur Waari once in their lifetime?

The same reason why everyone should fall in Love because it makes our Life beautiful. It makes our story worth telling to our future generation. There will be hardships to endure, there will be chaos to face. However, if love for a person can make one a poet then why can’t Love for something higher make them a pilgrim?
The journey to Vitthala temple in Maharashtra is one where you can lose control. Where you can go with the flow without a care in the world! Furthermore, it is where you feel being taken care of by the Universe itself and where you can just….be.
Spirituality is not always sitting in an isolated cave and meditating on the name of God for years. Just like Lord Krishna explained to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita, there are many ways you can attain Moksha. Essentially, you can focus on the Universe at large. Or on the un-manifested form of ME, Moreover, you can devote yourself to my personified form and attain Moksha faster.
Whatever your beliefs are, whatever your intentions are, if you’re interested in spiritual tourism in India, then this is your place to be. The Pandharpur Waari can rejuvenate your mind, revitalise your body and relish your soul. So, why not give it a try?!