Creative creatures of almighty suffered inevitably during the pandemic. In such tough times, artistic souls found their way to therapeutic art while being responsible towards the country. Street art in India during pandemic boosted the innovativeness of the visionary artists in the country. Each city celebrated the heart healing messages painted by talented artists through street art in India during Covid-19.
Wall paintings, mural art, street paintings and graffiti art paved the way for artists to create a remarkable message for the society. When citizens suffered from the pain of isolation, depression, fear, anxiety, loss of loved ones and the dreadful situation of pandemic, the street arts instilled a sense of comfort and willingness to live. Moreover, India has been covered in art that expresses the depth of the situation. Notably, the Government has promptly supported this initiative. Furthermore, their relevance and versatility has also fetched some this art international acclaim .

The city of Bangalore has acquired attention with inspiring street art in India. A number of wall murals have been painted across the city in light of the Pandemic. Mr.Nanjundaswam created magic by painting on the walls of public places including markets and police stations. The locals quite instantly related to his art and the message it conveyed. Such modern art in India communicates the message of precautionary message, with the magical strokes of a paint brush!

The city has always motivated creativity, originality and imaginativeness in the nooks and corners of Mumbai. Amidst pandemic, the creative hands of Munir Bukhari, painted a prominent message at the Mahim junction. It happens to be one of the most effective and artistic murals of India representing the theme – Heroes of Mumbai. With a fusion of colours, the artist honoured the frontline while keeping in mind our very own brave souls including vegetable vendors, delivery partners, cleaners and every profession that has been serving the country in the tough times of pandemic.

Splashing colours is an art and the trio – Vinag Cheguri, Uppara Sreedhar and Ram have given the right stroke to the walls of Hyderabad. With rising covid-19 cases in India, the wall art in the city has a different story for the citizens. Street art in India during Covid-19 has gained attraction with the amalgamation of colours on the streets of Shamshabad. Each face depicts a different profession, age, gender and a unique feature of the human society. The modern art in India helped millions understand the importance of wearing a mask and taking precautionary measures.

Pandemic art in India received immense love and power from the artists and locals over the world. One such well appreciated painting is in Patna. This painting is a tribute to the frontline workers in the city. The mural art displays the significance of a doctor who saves the globe, the policeman who maintains law and order and the municipal cleaner aimed at maintaining hygiene amidst the pandemic. Moreover, the prolificacy of artists sparks magically with a strong message put forth for the citizens. This painting was designed by Nikunj Prajapati and brought to life by Munir Bukhari.

The city has been a significant contributor for curating mesmerizing street art in India during pandemic. Artists from over the country have designed various modern art in India to promote the painstaking efforts of the frontline workers and spread awareness about wearing a mask. These street arts display a sense of urgency to protect the nation. NCR walls in Delhi excellently feature the situation of pandemic and its effect on daily lives of citizens. Artist Akhlaq is the face behind some of these mural arts in Delhi.

While each state tried to display pandemic related graffiti art in India, Rajasthan too nailed the concept by creating one of the iconic mural arts of India. The street art displays the essential service of the frontline workers in the medical domain. It clearly displays how the frontline workers have saved the country. The art showcases the message – If you’re safe then the country is safe. The art has been successful in creating awareness among the Indian citizens.

India hosts various innovative artists who took this commendable opportunity to distribute the precautionary message during the Covid-19 pandemic. Modern art in India gave hope to millions and artists in Chennai have not failed to put their best foot forward. Consequently, Tambaram railway station has gained attention with recently popular murals of India. The walls of the railway station are gracefully decorated with paintings showcasing the prominence of getting vaccinated. The painting urges the citizens to stay safe at home and pays tribute to the frontline workers.
As we all know, India has been the worst affected due to Covid-19. However, street art in India during pandemic has been a major source of inspiration and hope to the dreadful souls out there. Thousands of people have taken the effort to educate citizens of the country and prepared them against the deadly pandemic.
Modern art in India combined with the situation of the country, was not only a successful initiative but also an initiative that reached to the hearts of citizens. Each art depicts love, protection, empathy and the strength to fight against come what may. That is where the power of an artist lies!
Check this out : 9 Indian Art Forms That Are Used In Fashion
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