India, the land of colours, is surprisingly blessed with the best of artists around the world. These Indian artists are the real heritage of the country as they strive to sustain the beautiful culture of India. With exceptional artistic skills and talented hands, these artists are excellent at handmade handicrafts, woven fabrics and hand-painted artefacts.
May it be any state of the country, you will never miss out on the exquisite craftsmanship of artists with ever colourful stalls or the last, at each nook and corner of the street. However, the challenges faced by Indian artists can not be drafted with mere words.

Artisans in Tamil Nadu
Tamilnadu is home to a community of artists that bring across the skills and talents that are famous around the world! However, due to the pandemic and restriction on celebrations, these artisans are not in a good condition to survive. Artisan, idol makers, craftsmen and the doll making clusters face a hard time due to the current situation. Money is not only the sole problem for Indian artists but also the diminishing cultural value of traditional art. With regards to this situation, the Government has assigned 5 crores towards the construction of open-air markets to increase sales in the state of Tamil Nadu. Development Commissioner of Handicrafts, Ministry of textiles assures that artisans will be provided with toolkits amounting to rupees 5 lacs to promote the Tamilnadu State art.

Bidriware Art
Bidriware artisans are pretty popular in Bihar. Their work is famous and known worldwide. Mohammed Saleemuddin is a fantastic face in the community of Bidriware artisans. Even with the amazing talent, the financial situations of Indian artists have nosedived in the sea of destruction. Saleemuddin keeps his hope high and seeks Government support for the preservation of this incredible art form. Obaidullah Khan manages the marketing of this artwork and says, “With tourist footfall at an all-time low, and drastic drop in exports, the pandemic has broken our backs.” Government supports these artisans in the procurement of raw material along with buying directly from these artisans for dignified humans of the country.

Fashion Artisans
India is indeed a home to a variety of intricate art and culture. Many luxury brands, fashion houses and recognized labels work for international and national clients. This in turn boosts the income of artisans in the country, thereby creating an opportunity for growth in the community. However, the condition of artisans in India has turned downside due to the halt in the garment industry. The factories in Mumbai which once worked for runway shows in Paris and Milan are now shut down. Mr Sekh comments that artisans have lost their jobs and are forced to work as daily wage earners. The worse situation has diminished the financial situation of Indian artists due to shutdowns and restrictions of huge social events.
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Miniature Artisans
As India is home to some of the most historical and iconic creations of the world; it attracts tourists due to the heritage, topography and culture of the country. Although they are excellent at creating miniatures, the market has drastically changed their livelihood. Chandra Bhan is a factory owner for Taj Mahal miniatures in Agra. He is extremely sad due to the cancellation of international flights; which has decreased the demand for art. Approximately 70% of sales have dropped creating a massively destructive situation for the artisans. The financial situation of Indian artisans like Rajat in Agra has unimaginably dropped from 600 pieces of miniature to 200 pieces now. The problems and challenges faced by artists are simply not ignorable. Rajat who once created the wonder of the world as a miniature is now cutting stones to make idols of god and goddess.

Effigy Artisans
With India celebrating a plethora of festivals, effigy artists face a vulnerable situation in the union territory of Delhi. These effigy artists put incomparable energy for 3 days with 4 to 5 artists working on one effigy; the loss of an opportunity cost scraps the earning, entirely. Indian artists face daily challenges of unemployment, cancellation of orders due to restrictions and demand. Harsaroop Kashyap is an effigy maker and he quotes that an effigy would fetch him more than INR 10000 but is now being sold at just INR 5000. The conditions of rural artisans in India face a pathetic problem due to helpless situations during the pandemic.
Let us all move forward our energies, to reduce the challenges faced by Indian artists to sustain the exceptional art and create an Indian legacy across the globe!
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