Pen : Lord Ganesha’s abode on Earth

In a land of a multitude of cultures you are likely to encounter a multitude of Gods and Goddesses. Such is the essence of India! All year round, a variety of deities are worshiped here. However, there is undeniably one unique deity that is unanimously special – Lord Ganesha. In every nook and corner one […]

Best LGBTQ Friendly Places In India To Hangout

On the positive side of thought, isn’t it amazing to be free and let your soul heal in the hues of clouds and ocean? Just like every human requires fresh air, so does the LGBTQ community. India, as a country, has significantly started accepting the LGBTQ community and their natural form of love. However, there […]

Spiritual tourism in Maharashtra, spiritual tourism in India, significance of Pandharpur, vaarkari community, vitthala temple in Maharashtra, spiritual tourism

Why is Pandharpur Wari A Perfect Spiritual Getaway?

Introduction Why do curious souls with tired minds heed more towards spiritual tourism? Is it for clarity, for peace or some kind of a connection with a higher power or the higher self? In this article, we are going to explore spiritual tourism in Maharashtra. So,let’s dive into it through the Pandharpur Waari pilgrimage that […]

postal stamps, indian stamps, rare, history, heritage, legacy

Exploring 10 Rare Postal Stamps of India

Right from the British rule to finally, the day of Independence, the country of India takes immense pride to illustrate its history, rich heritage and culture in the world. Each element of India displays the sense of belonging and pride in its history. These rare Indian postal stamps truly reflect the Indian legacy. Postal stamps […]

art walks in India

5 Unknown Art Walks of India That Are A Must-Visit!

Today the old methods of exploring a city have become passé. Therefore some creative organizations are offering unique ways to explore a city. Food walks have become a trend nowadays, but what about art walks in India? The best part is that these walks open up the world of art for the uninitiated. You do […]

travelogues by Indian writer

10 Travelogues By Indian Writers Should Follow

About Travelogues A travelogue is a concept of the travel journey of a traveller in his/her own words. However, more than the travel journey, it is about the experiences the traveller faced. It could be a simple walk through the local markets. A normal person might see a few things to buy, but an avid […]

10 Prominent Frescoes Of India For A Historical Tour

Frescoes of India are one of a kind and the process of making one is equally unique. The painting is created on freshly plastered walls, allowing the painting to sink into the plastered surface and become one with the wall. Many artists have called them ‘traditional wallpapers’.  Being one of the oldest art techniques, a […]

Hampi: Exploring The Lost Heritage of India

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and Archana Chaitanya took that step last year! After two mundane lockdowns, she broke free from the shackles of the pandemic and set out on an adventure. A journey to the mystical and ethereal land of Hampi. Archana’s trip to Hampi has been eventful […]

Bringing Stories To Life With Indian Scroll Paintings

Scroll Paintings of India: India is celebrated as an ethnically diverse nation. Its culture reflects its heterogeneity. Firstly, Indian folk art has had an impact on religions and varied cultures. However, few art forms disappeared and diminished from the prehistoric period. Though many artforms are practiced even today.  Scroll painting is an art form that […]

7 Caravans Companies In India To Rent From

Caravans Companies In India: Traveling is a passion for many. The prospect of meeting new people is both scary and exciting! It is not just about going from one place to another, but the journey you experience while doing so. Over the years, the advent of technology has made it easier to travel anywhere you […]

indian museums, museums, history, archeology, culture, art, experience

10 Indian Museums To Visit Post The Pandemic

The world has turned upside down and back since the Global Pandemic has hit us. Every single one of us has been craving to get out and live a normal life. Everyone seems to be planning their next outing even before we’re done with the first. So, lets get innovative with how we spend our […]

Photography Tips That You Can Use On A Heritage Walk

Photography Tips For A Heritage Walk: You are in the midst of a beautiful heritage site (and if you are in Jaipur, then you are in the UNESCO declared world heritage city itself). You then pick up your DSLR or a mobile camera to get some wonderful shots…but are you well prepared? If you want to […]